The Founder of National Pub Operator True Pub CO, Gerrard Flynn approached Tom with issues that where diagnosed as following:
- Lack of coherent reporting which was causing major dysfunction in performance.
- Opportunities to increase operational efficiency
- No strategic plan for guest acquisition
- A business reporting inconsistently on non financial metrics
- Lack of reporting allowed for low performing team members to hide
Tom sat with the board for several weeks, feeding back on ways to improve reporting and communication, together a reporting template was built that ensured consistent, accurate and timely reporting. This in turn has allowed improved decision making for Gerrard. Gerrard has as a result increased confidence in his teams performance and resource needs allowing better decisions about how to drive the business forward
- Weekly / Monthly Reporting that gives a Holistic view of the business, specific KPIS and targets for each part of the business
- A complete Digital marketing Audit and Roadmap for implementation.
- Introduction of Labour saving methods that saved the business £250k p/a adding £2m of Value to the Business.